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Showing posts from November, 2003

Halloween Party

Amala and I went to Texas' Halloween party yesterday. We spent the entire time 1. drinking rootbeer 2. giggling and 3. dancing with each other. The fun thing about costume parties is that scary people are even scarier. There was some guy with silver paint all over him who scared the living daylights out of me. He spent the entire party 1. speaking gibberish and 2. handing out sharks' teeth. Anytime he came within a foot of me, I used my butterfly wings to create a buffer zone. Everyone kept crashing into my wings. I got stuck on the pantry door in the kitchen and people were trying to help me. "There you go, little butterfly," said someone behind me. The scary guy tried to give me a shark's tooth, but I wouldn't take it. He offered it to Amala and she said something smart to him. So he threw the shark's tooth down the front of her bodice. Amala was horrified, "I don't know where that went!" It definitely wasn't on the floor. We...