Every month I have to go to the bank and cash the petty cash check for work. It's kind of boring and the only thing that has kept it interesting is one of the bankers, who I think is a vampire. He has black hair, pale skin, bottomless eyes, sharp incisors, and long fingernails. He usually dances around behind the plexi-glass (installed so he won't bite the customers) and makes his hands into gun shapes when the the money counter makes its "rat-a-tat-tat" sound. In short, he's entertaining. So you can imagine my dismay when I found out that the bank had moved, and Gary the Vampire Banker was no where to be seen. Did the new management stake him? Did they try to move during the day and he turned to ash? Does the new bank cramp his style due to the lack of underground catcombs, creaking doors, and abundant vermin?