Picture taken by Patrick Denker, Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Roma-ponterotto01.jpg Sara spotted them next to the Ponte Rotto, two dark spots against the sheen of the Tiber. “I wish people wouldn’t dump their trash in the wa - “ Lieto, her retriever mix yanked the leash from her hand. He entered the water with a clumsy glee, leash trailing him like a balloon’s string. “Bad puppy!” Sara called after him, “Lieto, come!” Ignoring her, the dog paddled out to the debris. It wasn’t until Lieto turned towards her, a scrap of cloth in his mouth, that Sara realized it wasn’t trash. “Is that a baby?” The closer Lieto drew to the stone walkway, the more Sara was certain. It was an infant, swaddled in white cloth. Sara’s mouth ran dry with dread. There was no way that the baby was alive, it was too still, eyes closed, lips parted, hands unclenched. Sara flinched as Lieto sent a spray of water in her dir...