Yes, I went to work in the "freak snow storm" that we had here. If my little hybrid made it out alright, then you know there's something wrong with calling it a "freak snow storm." It was really bad in some parts, but Seattle was not one of those parts. People who are not from around here started asking me, "What's the big deal?"
The Big Deal Is:
1.) Seattle has a lot of really steep hills. In the snow/ice this means that you can't get up the hills and there are a lot of road closures.
2.) It snows, then it rains, then the sun goes down. By the next day you're driving on ice. This storm was unusual because some of the snow we got was powder instead of icy snow. I was doing a little dance while shoveling it off the porch at work because I couldn't ever remember handling powder before. All our snowmen here always look deformed because the snow here is always icy. And snowballs . . . snowballs hurt!
3.) Then there are the drivers with four-wheel drive who think that four-wheel drive is a license to go 40 mph on icy roads. Then they tailgate me. "Look at my little car and pass me!!! I'm in the slow lane, pass me!"
Which doesn't at all relate to my next subject: I think that we should change the criteria for becoming a model. I think that models should have to not only be beautiful, but also have a relatively clean background and a healthy life-style. It other words, they should have to pass a background clearance just like social workers do. They also shouldn't have an eating disorder and be required to take UAs. It really frustrates me that models are what our children look up to. So, they need to become worthy of that admiration. No more dying on the runway because you haven't eaten solid foods in two months. No more drug use. From now on it's charity balls, kissing babies, and eating eating eating.
The Big Deal Is:
1.) Seattle has a lot of really steep hills. In the snow/ice this means that you can't get up the hills and there are a lot of road closures.
2.) It snows, then it rains, then the sun goes down. By the next day you're driving on ice. This storm was unusual because some of the snow we got was powder instead of icy snow. I was doing a little dance while shoveling it off the porch at work because I couldn't ever remember handling powder before. All our snowmen here always look deformed because the snow here is always icy. And snowballs . . . snowballs hurt!
3.) Then there are the drivers with four-wheel drive who think that four-wheel drive is a license to go 40 mph on icy roads. Then they tailgate me. "Look at my little car and pass me!!! I'm in the slow lane, pass me!"
Which doesn't at all relate to my next subject: I think that we should change the criteria for becoming a model. I think that models should have to not only be beautiful, but also have a relatively clean background and a healthy life-style. It other words, they should have to pass a background clearance just like social workers do. They also shouldn't have an eating disorder and be required to take UAs. It really frustrates me that models are what our children look up to. So, they need to become worthy of that admiration. No more dying on the runway because you haven't eaten solid foods in two months. No more drug use. From now on it's charity balls, kissing babies, and eating eating eating.