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Showing posts from April, 2007


I found out last week that I have a rare skin disease.  It's called Pityriasis Lichenoides Chronica.  I've had it for six months and thought it was excema the whole time.  Fortunately, mine is just on my hands.  I saw some pretty scary pictures of it on people's butts on the internet.  I would explain more about it, except that the whole thing seems confusing and no one knows what causes it.  It's not contagious, and as my dermatologist said, "It's related to a disease that's related to another disease . . . be very careful when you look it up!"  He was trying to tell me that he doesn't think I'm dying (of AIDS, cancer, Epstein Barr, Hepatitis, etc). Anyway, the medicine is a lot worse than the disease.  It makes me feel sick and requires blood monitoring.  I looked that up too.  He's giving me a small dose of a chemotherapy drug.  It makes me wonder how people manage when they're on chemo.  I met a guy once who was on chemo...