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Showing posts from 2011

We Go West

I am on this path to find something lost to me, something I never owned. The long dusty roads, the people, the noise, sleeping sitting up, or in unfamiliar rooms the moonlight pressing down on us. We go sunward to stop the clock from unwinding, to shelter the world from the sky. My long bones cramping, hair blowing, the hum of the engine, the throb of blood in my temple, I want something I cannot break. This was not my itinerary, I didn’t write the guest list nor draw the maps. A cup of tea, The smell of fresh newsprint, The silence sitting around me Like faithful attendants, the moon, light as a flower petal drifting in the sky. But we are still traveling, no more than a one-night stay anywhere and trust no one there are always shadows behind us and every beautiful face has cruel eyes, especially the mirror. I am too weary to protect anyone. Time has begun to turn back on itself, sometimes I look down at m...

Other and Elsewhere

The rest of my poetry is on ye olde Tripod site at I'm too lazy right now to move them, but maybe I'll move a few into their new home at a time.


My husband is sitting next to me eating oatmeal with cornflakes and peanuts. Bleh. Earlier this week he cooked cucumbers. Every time he turned his head I would take one of the cucumbers off my plate and stick it in his.

An Actual Conversation

N: "What do you eat for brunch besides Pop-Tarts?" M: "Yeah, brunch is hard for me.  I'm the Anti-Brunch.  I like potato things, like hash browns, potatoes O'Brien . . ." N: "I could make potato pancakes!" M: "I don't like pancakes." N: "It's not really a pancake, it's more like a giant hash brown." M: "Like a latke?  I don't like latkes." N: "Um." M: "And then people put apple sauce on them.  Ew." N: "I don't know how to make latkes.  It really is like hashed browns.  B likes to put eggs on top." M: <silent egg hating moment> N: "Not on yours though.  I know you hate eggs.  And we'll have fresh fruit smoothies.  What kind of smoothies do you like?" M: "I hate smoothies." N: "Okay, what kind of milkshakes do you like?" M: "Chocolate." N: "Are you telling me that if someone offered you a ...

Doughnut Milkshake

So I guess this is old news, but I only heard about it recently.  I probably missed it because I hate doughnuts.  Apparently Krispy Kreme has created a doughnut flavored milkshake.  But before we delve into that, a little history: I think I started hating doughnuts after eating a jelly doughnut at a birthday party/gymnastics class.  I learned the hard way that jelly doughnut + gymnastics= a very upset stomach.   I doesn't help that I hate slimy things.  The fact that doughnuts often have slimy things hidden in them really grosses me out.  I don't really like the taste either.  Worst of all is the texture.  Doughnuts are always dense and greasy.  My favorite doughnuts (when I actually ate them) were Hostess Donettes, especially when they were a little on the stale side.  Hostess Donettes were always incredibly dry and predictable. I also have issues with some milkshakes.  By "some milkshakes" I mean...

I Don't Like What I Don't Like

I just saw a fan sub of episode 1 of Saiyuki Gaiden and I am couldn't be more thrilled.  Up to this point I really haven't been too big of a Konzen fan.  He always seemed a little bleh compared to Sanzo.  But that was all before he said: Go Konzen!  Stick it to the man! I really wish that this along with Burial was sold in the US.  I don't mind subtitles, but I like the shiny, clean quality of the actual DVD, versus watching it on Youtube or downloading it from some questionable site.  Or maybe I just need to learn Japanese. That aside, if you want to watch it, you can go to Just found out that was taken down from You Tube as a copyright violation.  I hope I actually get to see the rest of it at some point and it isn't one of those only released in Japan things.

At Least Komui Isn't Your Boss

Yes, everyone gets frustrated at work sometimes, but think of this: at least your boss isn't Komui Lee. He piles on the work, is disorganized, emotionally reactive, he likes his robots more than his employees (watch episode 8 of season 1 where Sir Komlin almost kills everyone), he has a weird thing for pink bunnies and huge sister complex, and he tends to be just a little sadistic.  I honestly can't think of the last time my boss came at me with a giant drill. He's also my favorite D. Grayman character, so don't think I'm being a hater. Buy D. Grayman

Because It's Awesome

My friends created some wonderful art for my bachelorette party:     The writing said "You can leave your hat on."  I know it's weird, but my favorite Bleach charater is Hat and Clogs.  I love the cleverly placed fan.    It looks much better when you can see the whole picture, but I couldn't fit the whole thing on my scanner. Watch out, Mustang is snapping!  Well, something is on fire anyway. Literacy is hot.  Ever wonder if Kakashi wears that mask to bed?  Now we know the truth. It's Sanzo!  Yay!  There's nothing like a gun-toting, chain-smoking priest. It's Wolfwood!  Yay!  There's nothing like a gun-toting, chain-smoking priest.  Hey, I think I see a trend here. 

It's the End of the Season, and Someone Just Ate My Soul!

I just started watching Black Butler for the first time on Netflix.  I kept thinking that Sebastian wasn't really going to eat Ciel's soul, because this was only Season 1 . . . but he did.  And yes, there really is a Season 2.  So here's a very important lesson:  If someone eats your soul, don't worry, you still might be back for Season 2.  Buy Black Butler

The Princess and the Golden Swing

I had a weird fever dream this morning about a princess, well lots of princesses really. All of them were in competition to win the hearts of princes through this medieval gameshow that included princess-style sports, a talent competition, and a beauty/popularity contest.  I wasn't me, I was an angsty princess with black hair and green eyes.The only thing that was familiar was the length of the hair.  I didn't want to marry a prince or be in the game show, but I had to be.  I had already lost two rounds because I put forward no effort whatsoever.   The next competition involved swinging on a golden swing while music played.  In order to make it interesting, the princess would swing out a four-story window over the heads of the crowd.  I was having trouble getting ready and children from the crowd were chasing me and pulling my hair.  Finally I got away from them and decided to just pull my hair back and forget about it.  I got on the swi...