I had a weird fever dream this morning about a princess, well lots of princesses really. All of them were in competition to win the hearts of princes through this medieval gameshow that included princess-style sports, a talent competition, and a beauty/popularity contest. I wasn't me, I was an angsty princess with black hair and green eyes.The only thing that was familiar was the length of the hair. I didn't want to marry a prince or be in the game show, but I had to be. I had already lost two rounds because I put forward no effort whatsoever.
The next competition involved swinging on a golden swing while music played. In order to make it interesting, the princess would swing out a four-story window over the heads of the crowd. I was having trouble getting ready and children from the crowd were chasing me and pulling my hair. Finally I got away from them and decided to just pull my hair back and forget about it. I got on the swing and my accompanist told me that she had lost the sheet music for my song. So I decided to sing the song. This was a weird feeling, because I was singing in a voice that wasn't mine (princess was a raspy alto), singing a words I didn't know to a tune I had never heard before. Worst of all, some of it was in French and I don't understand any French outside of "oui" and "bouregeois," both of which were not in the song. But, I was really enjoying it and the audience loved it and I won the competition.
Okay, enough froo-froo girliness. I am going to go watch my Bodyworlds Anatomy for Beginners: A Live Autopsy and eat ice cream.