We'll be going on vacation next week to Arizona. It's been awhile since we've been on vacation, because who wants to travel with babies? I'm still questioning my own judgement in taking a two-year-old and three-year-old on a plane. Also, I'm the only adult that vomits on airplanes. There's nothing quite like being crammed in a small space with a bunch of strangers and losing your lunch in a paper bag. Let's just hope it's a smooth landing. What do you mean, this won't help? The last time I felt really excited about getting on a plane had everything to do with what was at the other end. Any guesses here? Wait, before you guess, remember whose blog you're reading and try again. Nope. Nope. A leprosy colony!!!! I would say The National Hansen's Disease Museum or the Kalaupapa Mule Tour , but then no one would know what I'm talking about. Loot from my visits. And by the way, if you know what Hansen...