I have a lot of recurring dreams and I'm a semi-lucid dreamer. Most of my recurring dreams are pretty harmless. I dream about going to Disney Land periodically. I visit that house with all the plants, or the one with the hidden room, or I crawl through a tight opening into an attic. No biggie.
But sometimes, things get a little weird. I stopped having the dream about carousel horses showing up in weird places, only to have that happen periodically in real life. That still creeps me out (*spins a top*). My dream of falling stopped, after I hit the ground. Being fully aware that I was dreaming, I started wondering why I wasn't dead. Apparently that's just not true. You can fall in a dream, hit the ground, and it might not even hurt.
The recurring dream that I absolutely hate, is the one where a light goes out, usually in the bathroom, and I'm stuck in the half-light. I hate this dream because it's incredibly frustrating. I'm frustrated in the dream and frustrated when I wake up. Now before you start thinking that I'm ridiculous (and I am), you have to understand that I am a changer of light bulbs. One of my prior neighbors used to say that I was a "lighter of the lamps" which sounds much nicer, but really I am a Changer of Light Bulbs™. I like to keep things running. I like well lit places. I may not bring the light, but I will maintain it. So, my new theory is that this dream goes against something intrinsic to my nature and that's why it's driving me crazy.
I have tried to resolve this dream before. I tried getting a new light bulb, but dream land was plumb out of light bulbs. I tried bringing a flashlight, but contrary to what Freddy Krueger would have you believe, bringing an object from one world to the other is much harder than it looks. Eventually the dream went away, and I thought I was done with it.
Well, guess what? That sucker is back with bells on.
I plan to ignore it this time. I can live in the half-light. It could be worse, right? I could have the dream where a child throws a severed head at me on repeat instead.
On another topic entirely, I've been jotting down ideas for stories on my Tumblr. Because I might actually use some of them at some point, I decided to consolidate them into a page on this here blog. You can find them in the side bar under "Other Writing," or you can just click here.
Okay, teaser time:
But sometimes, things get a little weird. I stopped having the dream about carousel horses showing up in weird places, only to have that happen periodically in real life. That still creeps me out (*spins a top*). My dream of falling stopped, after I hit the ground. Being fully aware that I was dreaming, I started wondering why I wasn't dead. Apparently that's just not true. You can fall in a dream, hit the ground, and it might not even hurt.
The recurring dream that I absolutely hate, is the one where a light goes out, usually in the bathroom, and I'm stuck in the half-light. I hate this dream because it's incredibly frustrating. I'm frustrated in the dream and frustrated when I wake up. Now before you start thinking that I'm ridiculous (and I am), you have to understand that I am a changer of light bulbs. One of my prior neighbors used to say that I was a "lighter of the lamps" which sounds much nicer, but really I am a Changer of Light Bulbs™. I like to keep things running. I like well lit places. I may not bring the light, but I will maintain it. So, my new theory is that this dream goes against something intrinsic to my nature and that's why it's driving me crazy.
I have tried to resolve this dream before. I tried getting a new light bulb, but dream land was plumb out of light bulbs. I tried bringing a flashlight, but contrary to what Freddy Krueger would have you believe, bringing an object from one world to the other is much harder than it looks. Eventually the dream went away, and I thought I was done with it.
Well, guess what? That sucker is back with bells on.
I plan to ignore it this time. I can live in the half-light. It could be worse, right? I could have the dream where a child throws a severed head at me on repeat instead.
On another topic entirely, I've been jotting down ideas for stories on my Tumblr. Because I might actually use some of them at some point, I decided to consolidate them into a page on this here blog. You can find them in the side bar under "Other Writing," or you can just click here.
Okay, teaser time:
He stood and took her hand, leading her down the aisle, then turning right and pulling her through a small door. “Where-” was all she managed to get out before he shoved her against the wall, pressing his mouth to hers. For a moment Charlotte was lost in the kiss, its rough urgency mirroring her own desire. When she started to come back to her senses, she was suddenly aware of the lightswitch digging into her side and the pressure of Orville’s hands on her wrists.“Mmmph,” she said.Orville released her, a startled look on his face, “Sorry Lottie. They said I’m supposed to be better. I don’t know what just happened.”
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